Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anaheim Ducks Fans:Seeing History as it unfolds

In regards to what we see in our team,Be it the Players,Prospects,Mascot,Powerplayers and past coaches. One has to reflect on the good,bad and You all know be being a east coast Fan many of you west coast would think. "is this guy Nuts for saying what he says". I am very unapologetic for my Passion for the Ducks and my views of the sport in General. Yet I see a team who's future is not only bright but growing with each passing season and game. I must confess for Ducks Fans like ourselves be it those in Orange County and others outside of the state what makes us different is we know the history of the team,Sport and moments we cherish we remember as if it was yesterday. I think in all what we see is a sport growing in areas that are non-traditional. Ducks becoming First California team to Win the Stanley Cup,five years later La winning it this year. This makes the sport grow even more and the war between the Ducks and our enemies in LA even more intense. Breaking down what we have witness,endure and able to move forward three words describe Ducks Fans in general. Classy,Young(as in growing in knowing the sport) and Supportive. No matter what we have to embrace what the future lay ahead for the "Ducks Cause" and for us as Ducks Nation. As a Matter of What whenever this season starts. One thing we always agree to disagree on what is the "best Course" our Ducks must do to improve themselves be it "Trading Bobby Ryan" which I had mixed feelings for till situation with Giguere and Hiller in 2010. I always felt no matter how many times be it the Ducks Message Board,Facebook,Twitter or elsewhere we always stand shoulder to shoulder to support the team through thick and thin. Since this season should have been the Ducks 20th we must remember the past,appericate the present and look forward to the future. But Once lockout settles down we need to support those off the ice then those on. Without retail store clerks,Cashiers,Powerplayers and Ushers we would not have the fan experience that is unique to us. I do imho have walk the halls of Ponda thinking back to events and ask myself "Will the Ducks be a powerhouse"....You bet I believe they will. Let not us forget that Ducks History is OC history but History that Ducks Fans made as a whole. DuckPride 4ever MooseDuck

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Concerns and Hopes for the Anaheim Ducks!

If our Ducks are to move forward in honouring the Past and adjusting to the Influx of youth within our Ranks. they must look at the concerns in trying to improve the team yet do what is needed to have our New Blood. Make no mistake IF this season started the Ducks would have players like Palmieri,DSP,Holland and maybe Etem. I am patient in hoping he develops well as with Sami vatenen. One of most important concerns is 2nd scoring which is a issue we know correctly and clearly. For our Ducks having injection of youth brings out the best in having our offense getting a shot in the arm. Having at least one Young Duck with two vets can beneficial in giving him time to develop let alone hone his skills while adjusting to the NHL. It may also work if let say two Young Ducks with a vet. This happen before when Getz and Pears was on a line with Todd Fedoruk.....Can it happen again?. I believe it would. Size matters for this team...5 years ago it along with "Ruthless Aggression" and "Strength in Numbers" give us the edge in winning our First Stanley Cup,Before that it was "Hold the Line" during the transition of one generation to another for the "Ducks Cause". We can debate on what player needs to be added but we know in our hearts that in order for the Ducks to succeed they must b revitalize,reinvigorated by new Blood let alone a renewed sense of purpose. Dedication requires the Ducks to hit the ground running,Hope is Ducks Fans be inspire and support this team no matter what. We know what will happen be it Teemu Selanne or Getz and Pears final year....All of it is connected to the "Future" awaiting their chance in chomping at advancing our sphere of influence. I have Faith as we should from O.C to Finland the Ducks will once CBA settles RISE AGAIN ONCE MORE!. DuckPride 4ever MooseDuck

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Young Ducks Progress and Ducks Nation

If one looks at the stats of many of our team's Prospects be it with the Admirals and beyond it's very clear all signs point to IF when the season starts and CBA Crisis ends....our Ducks will be on the upswing. Emerson Etem,DSP,Peter Holland,Kyle Palmieri,Vatenen and many more. I always have faith and confidence let alone joy that our Ducks will pass the Torch to the Next Generation. It has with Niedermayer Retiring and Cam honing his skills during his first and Yes 2nd year in the NHL. I know reading comments of some be it Ducks Message Board and elsewhere patience is at a holding pattern. Yet Patience is sometimes limited after a few months...We cannot lose sight of the facts our Ducks will have several players hunger,eager,determine and driven to succeed. Greater desire a player has is to strive for what he will do to achieve greatness. We seen it happen is sports and with some players who wore the Ducks Uniform with honour,Pride and respect. Having 5 of the Ducks Top Prospects contributing is something to behold and wait for till Puck Drops for NHL to being. Hopefully Etem will pick up the pace and get the groove going since he has only 3 goals in 12 games. It amazes me after all we have gone through we are still here....19 years going on 20. Some agree and may disagree with my Passion but I always appreciate those who stand by their words let have a different view of where this team should move in achieving greater perhaps permanent greatness. As Ducks Fans we expect them to do what is needed to win no matter what....sometimes end results lead to us disagree and at times not respecting one's views whether this player should or should not be traded or sign for. Whatever case or petty arguments that exist or no longer have merit we are all Ducks Fans through and through. Whatever we disagree we always have a tendency to agree to disagree Still have my fingers cross and hope a things will get better for our team as the old saying goes "FUTURE IS NOW". and Ducks Fans we have something to hope and look forward as of now. DuckPride 4ever MooseDuck