Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas wishes and message to OC!

As you all know by now we are apporaching the end of 2011 with only 3 games left till New Years. I am left hoping our Ducks can finish this year not only with a positive note....But with Victory that ends another year marked by up's and downs. I have follow this team as many of you since their Founding and 2011 could go down is perhaps the worst or maybe the toughest to endure for the Ducks in recent history. Let's wish that those within the ranks of the roster will rise to the challenge as their precedessors did seasons prior, Let's wish that amidst turnmoil and questions they honor the past by moving forward with Wins and Victories over our rivals,Enemies and teams that stand in our way. For once I am concern bout this team's direction....But i feel it's necessary for those young guns to learn that games in NHL is NOT easy. Talent,Resiliencey within our team must be awaken don't know how it will but I am hoping it awake very soon.

I want say something regards to how this season has turn out in first 3 months of Ducks campagain....If there is one word to describe 11-12 in first 3 months it's turmoil. Reason is expectations this team has are not yet met. RPG Line has not fufilled their duties and change in coach was necessary to jumpstart and give new Energy to the Ducks. However it remains to be seen how it turns out considering this "Win 1,Lose 1" mentality is bugging all of us in Ducks Nation. Sometimes going through the rough patchs is the only way our team can overcome adversity that is in front of them this year and perhaps the next. We must never give up on this team nor should we give in to doubt,Naysayers of those who threw in the towel too soon.

I also want to say a personal message to Ducksfans in Orange County who is reading this. Do not GIVE UP or succumb to what people say bout this team and you all...Ducks are unique for they are a most successful Non-tradtional hockey market in NHL. No one can take that away from YOU or anyone else....Hockey is and always been a universal sport. Anaheim in my own opinion has and always been a Multi-sport city. Ducks,Angels,Bolts,MMA and Jiu jitsu have thrive in a area that i have come to love and respect be it the people and those who contributed to the Ducks success....From Players and front office to Powerplayers. Will the Ducks will anothe Stanley Cup?....I do beleive they can and THEY WILL!. Till then i want to say Merry Christmas to all of my friends in Orange County and beyond. Hope to see you there and see this team BOUNCE BACK!.

DuckPride 4ever

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