There games when one has witness or seen with their eyes or listen that makes you wonder. In Seasons prior and past years Ducks have always i mean always fight for a constant battle for honor,Respect and Pride...This season has been a struggle for consistency for a team full of youth eager to prove themselves to the Ducks Front office and Ducks Nation itself. Looking at the roster i am noticing 11 of our players are under age of 30. With inexperince and new blood on the roster....I am left to wonder whether it along with injuries to Blake and Lubo may have played part in Ducks recent slump in November aka Month of Turmoil.
This Season however it may end could be lesson for the youth who will one day assemble mantles of leadership. However it maybe this team must find ways to WIN, Not lose nor settle for 1pt. There is no Sastifaction but winning and the Stanley Cup....Sometimes toughest battles are those young guns of our team must learn in order to know NOTHING is easy nor given to. We as Ducksfans need to know there is no such thing as a easy win or a Easy victory. Ducks past is unqiue and expectional for our resilince,Present is full of hope this 11-12 Edition can follow in footsteps of predcessors past...As for the Future it holds to our Expectations our Ducks will always Rise again.
Right now being 10 out of 8th and 7th is STILL within our range to catch up and make up for lost ground. our team has this month and January to make up for what happen in November. For this i refuse and will not predict where our Ducks will finish.....This all comes down to seeing this through which is a true testemant of ALL Ducksfans in Orange County and elsewhere. I for one refuse to do so cause i rather have this team Fight in each game....Then give up. I would rather have them score more then 2 or 3 goals then sit back. This IS NOW or NEVER!.
DuckPride 4ever
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