Saturday, February 4, 2012

Anaheim Ducks Message Board:My Thoughs

10 Years......10 years I have been on Ducks Main Forum. 10 years of Upgrades,change and rise of so called "Experts within Ducks Fanbase. Everything change so good so very bad. It's no wonder that after all these years being banned from making new Posts based on the "Motivational Speech" BS i still linger sometimes i wonder if those "Experts" have so much power and the admin control words of what people like myself have said. It's a sad state of affairs sometimes it has SUCKED the life,passion and fun out of a great place to meet other Ducks Fans. I have been around as long as any have been on that Forum. I have no intentions of being pushed out the door as some have done to my friends and let rudeness display against my words for what it is.....The Main Forum is NOT what it once was. That is a unhappy fact. Something i must live with as others should do.

However being Banned from making Posts and being insinuated that I am a drunk is lowest form of insult by a pair of know it all Gutter-snipes who DO NOT respect others views on the Ducks. I love going there and discussing and talking bout the Ducks...But it seems clearly those PTB:Powers that Be want to impress outsiders more after Ducks won their First Stanley Cup. I admit I am over-passion bout this team and it's part of my life like Hockey itself. Suffice to say I do not let people like those who have a "Holier art Thou" outlook bug me. It;'s no wonder why a friend of mine was harass and it's no wonder who so many of my friends where harass by them.

Are they Ducks Fans you ask?...Yes but the represent part of a Fanbase who assume they know too much. Just because one does not know the rules but love the sport does not mean they are "Not knowledgeable"...It goes without saying all hockey fans including Ducksfans are different in how they see the sport and use terms to express their pride in Ducks and the Ducks Cause.

Thinking Positive is great and speaking with Common Sense is needed. Ducks Fans should agree to disagree not belittle each other as it's done now. Whatever Happens this season should not be look at a failure by all Ducks Fans....Trial by fire for the Youth is perhaps the best way. But to the "Experts" It won't surprise me if they dissect and try their "best" to speak what is the true outlook of what happen in 11-12. For me I remain but I will not BACK DOWN from these Condescending jackasses.

DuckPride 4ever

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