Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Disapointing and Disgraceful!

Never in the my life over the past 19 years would i say a the Ducks not since Day1 win Six games. After 20 games this season 11-12 it boogles my mind,angers me to the point of being very livid that i cannot imagine how in the BLUE HELL that a team with so much talent,skill and some toughness can be at 6-10-4 16pts. As long as I remeber and i am sure majority of all Ducks fans remeber slow starts are nothing new. Yet nothing wrong if one keeps hope and expects them to have a strong start....BUT NOTHING like this i would expect to see, utterly shameful display and DIGRACEFUL that there are players that MUST be held accountable for a failure of leadership.

That leadership goes to Ryan Getzlaf who seems again and again be passive and not shooting more as we expect. All i ask of him is this 14TH PLACE RYAN...14TH !@#!@#! PLACE. This team should be in the FREAKIN TOP eight what point of leading by example DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. As Carlyle Strategy needs to change and adapt...sure he is stubborn as a Fool but a new way of utlitizing this edition of Ducks strength which is Offense needs to be used Often to get it awaken. It saddens me abit reading the comments on some on the board of the Ducks Main forum....as much as i want to be positive their words are justified let alone i understand their anger.

Whether this team can turn it around remains to be seen. If Ducks History shows in seasons prior and the past they have made Stanley Cup playoffs few times where they had slow starts. But THIS....Really makes me question whether certain players on the bottom six needs to be sent down for seasoning and direction is needed. Playoffs or No Playoffs our Ducks CANNOT afford to be fighting like hell for a playoff spot. It's better to be strong throughout 82 games by fighting every inch of your life for wins and 2pts....Then having a uncertain outcome. What it all comes down is setting things right. If Nothing happens and i hope it does not end like this...I am willing to vote on a no confidence on Carlyle and Bob Murray. Getzlaf must earn the Captain's C NOT be entitle to it.

DuckPride 4ever

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